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2023-11-29 18:23:54 +03:00
"use strict";
const Base = require("./Base");
const Channel = require("./Channel");
const Endpoints = require("../rest/Endpoints");
const Collection = require("../util/Collection");
const GuildChannel = require("./GuildChannel");
const Member = require("./Member");
const Role = require("./Role");
const VoiceState = require("./VoiceState");
const Permission = require("./Permission");
const GuildScheduledEvent = require("./GuildScheduledEvent");
const {Permissions} = require("../Constants");
const StageInstance = require("./StageInstance");
const ThreadChannel = require("./ThreadChannel");
* Represents a guild
* @prop {String?} afkChannelID The ID of the AFK voice channel
* @prop {Number} afkTimeout The AFK timeout in seconds
* @prop {String?} applicationID The application ID of the guild creator if it is bot-created
* @prop {Number?} approximateMemberCount The approximate number of members in the guild (REST only)
* @prop {Number?} approximatePresenceCount The approximate number of presences in the guild (REST only)
* @prop {Boolean?} autoRemoved Whether the guild was automatically removed from Discovery
* @prop {String?} banner The hash of the guild banner image, or null if no banner (VIP only)
* @prop {String?} bannerURL The URL of the guild's banner image
* @prop {Array<Object>?} categories The guild's discovery categories
* @prop {Collection<GuildChannel>} channels Collection of Channels in the guild
* @prop {Number} createdAt Timestamp of the guild's creation
* @prop {Number} defaultNotifications The default notification settings for the guild. 0 is "All Messages", 1 is "Only @mentions"
* @prop {String?} description The description for the guild (VIP only)
* @prop {String?} discoverySplash The has of the guild discovery splash image, or null if no discovery splash
* @prop {String?} discoverySplashURL The URL of the guild's discovery splash image
* @prop {Number?} emojiCount The number of emojis on the guild
* @prop {Array<Object>} emojis An array of guild emoji objects
* @prop {Number} explicitContentFilter The explicit content filter level for the guild. 0 is off, 1 is on for people without roles, 2 is on for all
* @prop {Array<String>} features An array of guild feature strings
* @prop {String?} icon The hash of the guild icon, or null if no icon
* @prop {String?} iconURL The URL of the guild's icon
* @prop {String} id The ID of the guild
* @prop {Number} joinedAt Timestamp of when the bot account joined the guild
* @prop {Array<String>?} keywords The guild's discovery keywords
* @prop {Boolean} large Whether the guild is "large" by "some Discord standard"
* @prop {Number} mfaLevel The admin 2FA level for the guild. 0 is not required, 1 is required
* @prop {Number?} maxMembers The maximum amount of members for the guild
* @prop {Number} maxPresences The maximum number of people that can be online in a guild at once (returned from REST API only)
* @prop {Number?} maxVideoChannelUsers The max number of users allowed in a video channel
* @prop {Number} memberCount Number of members in the guild
* @prop {Collection<Member>} members Collection of Members in the guild
* @prop {String} name The name of the guild
* @prop {Boolean} nsfw [DEPRECATED] Whether the guild is designated as NSFW by Discord
* @prop {Number} nsfwLevel The guild NSFW level designated by Discord
* @prop {String} ownerID The ID of the user that is the guild owner
* @prop {String} preferredLocale Preferred "COMMUNITY" guild language used in server discovery and notices from Discord
* @prop {Boolean} premiumProgressBarEnabled If the boost progress bar is enabled
* @prop {Number?} premiumSubscriptionCount The total number of users currently boosting this guild
* @prop {Number} premiumTier Nitro boost level of the guild
* @prop {Object?} primaryCategory The guild's primary discovery category
* @prop {Number?} primaryCategoryID The guild's primary discovery category ID
* @prop {String?} publicUpdatesChannelID ID of the guild's updates channel if the guild has "COMMUNITY" features
* @prop {Collection<Role>} roles Collection of Roles in the guild
* @prop {String?} rulesChannelID The channel where "COMMUNITY" guilds display rules and/or guidelines
* @prop {Shard} shard The Shard that owns the guild
* @prop {String?} splash The hash of the guild splash image, or null if no splash (VIP only)
* @prop {String?} splashURL The URL of the guild's splash image
* @prop {Collection<StageInstance>} stageInstances Collection of stage instances in the guild
* @prop {Array<Object>?} stickers An array of guild sticker objects
* @prop {Number} systemChannelFlags The flags for the system channel
* @prop {String?} systemChannelID The ID of the default channel for system messages (built-in join messages and boost messages)
* @prop {Collection<ThreadChannel>} threads Collection of threads that the current user has permission to view
* @prop {Boolean} unavailable Whether the guild is unavailable or not
* @prop {String?} vanityURL The vanity URL of the guild (VIP only)
* @prop {Number} verificationLevel The guild verification level
* @prop {Collection<VoiceState>} voiceStates Collection of voice states in the guild
* @prop {Object?} welcomeScreen The welcome screen of a Community guild, shown to new members
* @prop {Object} welcomeScreen.description The description in the welcome screen
* @prop {Array<Object>} welcomeScreen.welcomeChannels The list of channels in the welcome screens. Each channels have the following properties: `channelID`, `description`, `emojiID`, `emojiName`. `emojiID` and `emojiName` properties can be null.
* @prop {Number?} widgetChannelID The channel id that the widget will generate an invite to. REST only.
* @prop {Boolean?} widgetEnabled Whether the guild widget is enabled. REST only.
class Guild extends Base {
constructor(data, client) {
this._client = client;
this.shard = client.shards.get(client.guildShardMap[this.id] || (Base.getDiscordEpoch(data.id) % client.options.maxShards) || 0);
this.unavailable = !!data.unavailable;
this.joinedAt = Date.parse(data.joined_at);
this.voiceStates = new Collection(VoiceState);
this.channels = new Collection(GuildChannel);
this.threads = new Collection(ThreadChannel);
this.members = new Collection(Member);
this.events = new Collection(GuildScheduledEvent);
this.stageInstances = new Collection(StageInstance);
this.memberCount = data.member_count;
this.roles = new Collection(Role);
this.applicationID = data.application_id;
if(data.widget_enabled !== undefined) {
this.widgetEnabled = data.widget_enabled;
if(data.widget_channel_id !== undefined) {
this.widgetChannelID = data.widget_channel_id;
if(data.approximate_member_count !== undefined) {
this.approximateMemberCount = data.approximate_member_count;
if(data.approximate_presence_count !== undefined) {
this.approximatePresenceCount = data.approximate_presence_count;
if(data.auto_removed !== undefined) {
this.autoRemoved = data.auto_removed;
if(data.emoji_count !== undefined) {
this.emojiCount = data.emoji_count;
if(data.primary_category_id !== undefined) {
this.primaryCategoryID = data.primary_category_id;
if(data.primary_category) {
this.primaryCategory = data.primary_category;
if(data.categories !== undefined) {
this.categories = data.categories;
if(data.keywords !== undefined) {
this.keywords = data.keywords;
if(data.roles) {
for(const role of data.roles) {
this.roles.add(role, this);
if(data.channels) {
for(const channelData of data.channels) {
channelData.guild_id = this.id;
const channel = Channel.from(channelData, client);
channel.guild = this;
this.channels.add(channel, client);
client.channelGuildMap[channel.id] = this.id;
if(data.threads) {
for(const threadData of data.threads) {
threadData.guild_id = this.id;
const channel = Channel.from(threadData, client);
channel.guild = this;
this.threads.add(channel, client);
client.threadGuildMap[channel.id] = this.id;
if(data.members) {
for(const member of data.members) {
member.id = member.user.id;
this.members.add(member, this);
if(data.stage_instances) {
for(const stageInstance of data.stage_instances) {
stageInstance.guild_id = this.id;
this.stageInstances.add(stageInstance, client);
if(data.presences) {
for(const presence of data.presences) {
if(!this.members.get(presence.user.id)) {
let userData = client.users.get(presence.user.id);
if(userData) {
userData = `{username: ${userData.username}, id: ${userData.id}, discriminator: ${userData.discriminator}}`;
client.emit("debug", `Presence without member. ${presence.user.id}. In global user cache: ${userData}. ` + JSON.stringify(presence), this.shard.id);
presence.id = presence.user.id;
if(data.voice_states) {
if(!client.bot) {
this.pendingVoiceStates = data.voice_states;
} else {
for(const voiceState of data.voice_states) {
if(!this.members.get(voiceState.user_id)) {
voiceState.id = voiceState.user_id;
try {
const channel = this.channels.get(voiceState.channel_id);
const member = this.members.update(voiceState);
if(channel && channel.voiceMembers) {
} catch(err) {
client.emit("error", err, this.shard.id);
if(client.options.seedVoiceConnections && voiceState.id === client.user.id && !client.voiceConnections.get(this.id)) {
process.nextTick(() => this._client.joinVoiceChannel(voiceState.channel_id));
update(data) {
if(data.name !== undefined) {
this.name = data.name;
if(data.verification_level !== undefined) {
this.verificationLevel = data.verification_level;
if(data.splash !== undefined) {
this.splash = data.splash;
if(data.discovery_splash !== undefined) {
this.discoverySplash = data.discovery_splash;
if(data.banner !== undefined) {
this.banner = data.banner;
if(data.owner_id !== undefined) {
this.ownerID = data.owner_id;
if(data.icon !== undefined) {
this.icon = data.icon;
if(data.features !== undefined) {
this.features = data.features;
if(data.emojis !== undefined) {
this.emojis = data.emojis;
if(data.stickers !== undefined) {
this.stickers = data.stickers;
if(data.afk_channel_id !== undefined) {
this.afkChannelID = data.afk_channel_id;
if(data.afk_timeout !== undefined) {
this.afkTimeout = data.afk_timeout;
if(data.default_message_notifications !== undefined) {
this.defaultNotifications = data.default_message_notifications;
if(data.mfa_level !== undefined) {
this.mfaLevel = data.mfa_level;
if(data.large !== undefined) {
this.large = data.large;
if(data.max_presences !== undefined) {
this.maxPresences = data.max_presences;
if(data.explicit_content_filter !== undefined) {
this.explicitContentFilter = data.explicit_content_filter;
if(data.system_channel_id !== undefined) {
this.systemChannelID = data.system_channel_id;
if(data.system_channel_flags !== undefined) {
this.systemChannelFlags = data.system_channel_flags;
if(data.premium_progress_bar_enabled !== undefined) {
this.premiumProgressBarEnabled = data.premium_progress_bar_enabled;
if(data.premium_tier !== undefined) {
this.premiumTier = data.premium_tier;
if(data.premium_subscription_count !== undefined) {
this.premiumSubscriptionCount = data.premium_subscription_count;
if(data.vanity_url_code !== undefined) {
this.vanityURL = data.vanity_url_code;
if(data.preferred_locale !== undefined) {
this.preferredLocale = data.preferred_locale;
if(data.description !== undefined) {
this.description = data.description;
if(data.max_members !== undefined) {
this.maxMembers = data.max_members;
if(data.public_updates_channel_id !== undefined) {
this.publicUpdatesChannelID = data.public_updates_channel_id;
if(data.rules_channel_id !== undefined) {
this.rulesChannelID = data.rules_channel_id;
if(data.max_video_channel_users !== undefined) {
this.maxVideoChannelUsers = data.max_video_channel_users;
if(data.welcome_screen !== undefined) {
this.welcomeScreen = {
description: data.welcome_screen.description,
welcomeChannels: data.welcome_screen.welcome_channels && data.welcome_screen.welcome_channels.map((c) => {
return {
channelID: c.channel,
description: c.description,
emojiID: c.emoji_id,
emojiName: c.emoji_name
if(data.nsfw !== undefined) {
this.nsfw = data.nsfw;
if(data.nsfw_level !== undefined) {
this.nsfwLevel = data.nsfw_level;
get bannerURL() {
return this.banner ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.BANNER(this.id, this.banner)) : null;
get iconURL() {
return this.icon ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_ICON(this.id, this.icon)) : null;
get splashURL() {
return this.splash ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_SPLASH(this.id, this.splash)) : null;
get discoverySplashURL() {
return this.discoverySplash ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_DISCOVERY_SPLASH(this.id, this.discoverySplash)) : null;
* Add a discovery subcategory
* @arg {String} categoryID The ID of the discovery category
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
addDiscoverySubcategory(categoryID, reason) {
return this._client.addGuildDiscoverySubcategory.call(this._client, this.id, categoryID, reason);
* Add a user to the guild
* @arg {String} userID The ID of the user
* @arg {String} accessToken The access token of the user
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for adding the user
* @arg {String} [options.nick] The user's nickname
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.roles] Array of role IDs to add to the user
* @arg {Boolean} [options.mute] Whether the user should be muted
* @arg {Boolean} [options.deaf] Whether the user should be deafened
addMember(userID, accessToken, options = {}) {
return this._client.addGuildMember.call(this._client, this.id, userID, accessToken, options);
* Add a role to a guild member
* @arg {String} memberID The ID of the member
* @arg {String} roleID The ID of the role
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
addMemberRole(memberID, roleID, reason) {
return this._client.addGuildMemberRole.call(this._client, this.id, memberID, roleID, reason);
* Ban a user from the guild
* @arg {String} userID The ID of the member
* @arg {Number} [deleteMessageDays=0] Number of days to delete messages for, between 0-7 inclusive
* @arg {String} [reason] Reason for the ban
* @returns {Promise}
banMember(userID, deleteMessageDays, reason) {
return this._client.banGuildMember.call(this._client, this.id, userID, deleteMessageDays, reason);
* Edits command permissions for a multiple commands in a guild.
* Note: You can only add up to 10 permission overwrites for a command.
* @arg {Array<Object>} permissions An array of [partial guild command permissions](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-permissions-object-guild-application-command-permissions-structure)
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} Returns an array of [GuildApplicationCommandPermissions](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-permissions-object-guild-application-command-permissions-structure) objects.
bulkEditCommandPermissions(permissions) {
return this._client.bulkEditCommandPermissions.call(this._client, this.id, permissions);
* Bulk create/edit guild application commands
* @arg {Array<Object>} commands An array of [Command objects](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object)
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with a commands object
bulkEditCommands(commands) {
return this._client.bulkEditGuildCommands.call(this._client, this.id, commands);
* Create a channel in the guild
* @arg {String} name The name of the channel
* @arg {Number} [type=0] The type of the channel, either 0 (text), 2 (voice), 4 (category), 5 (news) or 13 (stage)
* @arg {Object | String} [options] The properties the channel should have. If `options` is a string, it will be treated as `options.parentID` (see below). Passing a string is deprecated and will not be supported in future versions.
* @arg {Number} [options.bitrate] The bitrate of the channel (voice channels only)
* @arg {Boolean} [options.nsfw] The nsfw status of the channel
* @arg {String?} [options.parentID] The ID of the parent category channel for this channel
* @arg {Array} [options.permissionOverwrites] An array containing permission overwrite objects
* @arg {Number} [options.position] The sorting position of the channel
* @arg {Number} [options.rateLimitPerUser] The time in seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (does not affect bots or users with manageMessages/manageChannel permissions) (text channels only)
* @arg {String} [options.reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @arg {String} [options.topic] The topic of the channel (text channels only)
* @arg {Number} [options.userLimit] The channel user limit (voice channels only)
* @returns {Promise<CategoryChannel | TextChannel | TextVoiceChannel>}
createChannel(name, type, reason, options) {
return this._client.createChannel.call(this._client, this.id, name, type, reason, options);
* Create a guild application command
* @arg {Object} command A command object
* @arg {String} command.name The command name
* @arg {String} [command.description] The command description (Slash Commands Only)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [command.options] An array of [command options](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-option-structure)
* @arg {Number} [type=1] The type of application command, 1 for slash command, 2 for user, and 3 for message
* @arg {Boolean} [command.defaultPermission] Whether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guild
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with a command object
createCommand(command) {
return this._client.createGuildCommand.call(this._client, this.id, command);
* Create a emoji in the guild
* @arg {Object} options Emoji options
* @arg {String} options.image The base 64 encoded string
* @arg {String} options.name The name of emoji
* @arg {Array} [options.roles] An array containing authorized role IDs
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A guild emoji object
createEmoji(options, reason) {
return this._client.createGuildEmoji.call(this._client, this.id, options, reason);
* Create a guild role
* @arg {Object | Role} [options] An object or Role containing the properties to set
* @arg {Number} [options.color] The hex color of the role, in number form (ex: 0x3d15b3 or 4040115)
* @arg {Boolean} [options.hoist] Whether to hoist the role in the user list or not
* @arg {String} [options.icon] The role icon as a base64 data URI
* @arg {Boolean} [options.mentionable] Whether the role is mentionable or not
* @arg {String} [options.name] The name of the role
* @arg {BigInt | Number | String | Permission} [options.permissions] The role permissions
* @arg {String} [options.unicodeEmoji] The role's unicode emoji
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Role>}
createRole(options, reason) {
return this._client.createRole.call(this._client, this.id, options, reason);
* Create a guild scheduled event
* @arg {Object} event The event to be created
* @arg {String} [event.channelID] The channel ID of the event. This is optional if `entityType` is `3` (external)
* @arg {String} [event.description] The description of the event
* @arg {Object} [event.entityMetadata] The entity metadata for the scheduled event. This is required if `entityType` is `3` (external)
* @arg {String} [event.entityMetadata.location] Location of the event
* @arg {Number} event.entityType The [entity type](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-entity-types) of the scheduled event
* @arg {String} [event.image] Base 64 encoded image for the scheduled event
* @arg {String} event.name The name of the event
* @arg {String} event.privacyLevel The privacy level of the event
* @arg {Date} [event.scheduledEndTime] The time when the event is scheduled to end. This is required if `entityType` is `3` (external)
* @arg {Date} event.scheduledStartTime The time the event will start
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<GuildScheduledEvent>}
createScheduledEvent(event, reason) {
return this._client.createGuildScheduledEvent.call(this._client, this.id, event, reason);
* Create a guild sticker
* @arg {Object} options Sticker options
* @arg {String} [options.description] The description of the sticker
* @arg {Object} options.file A file object
* @arg {Buffer} options.file.file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} options.file.name What to name the file
* @arg {String} options.name The name of the sticker
* @arg {String} options.tags The Discord name of a unicode emoji representing the sticker's expression
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A sticker object
createSticker(options, reason) {
return this._client.createGuildSticker.call(this._client, this.id, options, reason);
* Create a template for this guild
* @arg {String} name The name of the template
* @arg {String} [description] The description for the template
* @returns {Promise<GuildTemplate>}
createTemplate(name, description) {
return this._client.createGuildTemplate.call(this._client, this.id, name, description);
* Delete the guild (bot user must be owner)
* @returns {Promise}
delete() {
return this._client.deleteGuild.call(this._client, this.id);
* Delete a guild application command
* @arg {String} commandID The command id
* @returns {Promise} Resolves with a promise object
deleteCommand(commandID) {
return this._client.deleteGuildCommand.call(this._client, this.id, commandID);
* Delete a discovery subcategory
* @arg {String} categoryID The ID of the discovery category
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
deleteDiscoverySubcategory(categoryID, reason) {
return this._client.addGuildDiscoverySubcategory.call(this._client, this.id, categoryID, reason);
* Delete a emoji in the guild
* @arg {String} emojiID The ID of the emoji
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
deleteEmoji(emojiID, reason) {
return this._client.deleteGuildEmoji.call(this._client, this.id, emojiID, reason);
* Delete a guild integration
* @arg {String} integrationID The ID of the integration
* @returns {Promise}
deleteIntegration(integrationID) {
return this._client.deleteGuildIntegration.call(this._client, this.id, integrationID);
* Delete a role
* @arg {String} roleID The ID of the role
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
deleteRole(roleID, reason) {
return this._client.deleteRole.call(this._client, this.id, roleID, reason);
* Delete a guild scheduled event
* @arg {String} eventID The ID of the event
* @returns {Promise}
deleteScheduledEvent(eventID) {
return this._client.deleteGuildScheduledEvent.call(this._client, this.id, eventID);
* Delete a guild sticker
* @arg {String} stickerID The ID of the sticker
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
deleteSticker(stickerID, reason) {
return this._client.deleteGuildSticker.call(this._client, this.id, stickerID, reason);
* Delete a guild template
* @arg {String} code The template code
* @returns {Promise<GuildTemplate>}
deleteTemplate(code) {
return this._client.deleteGuildTemplate.call(this._client, this.id, code);
* Get the guild's banner with the given format and size
* @arg {String} [format] The filetype of the icon ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", or "webp")
* @arg {Number} [size] The size of the icon (any power of two between 16 and 4096)
* @returns {String?}
dynamicBannerURL(format, size) {
return this.banner ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.BANNER(this.id, this.banner), format, size) : null;
* Get the guild's discovery splash with the given format and size
* @arg {String} [format] The filetype of the icon ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", or "webp")
* @arg {Number} [size] The size of the icon (any power of two between 16 and 4096)
* @returns {String?}
dynamicDiscoverySplashURL(format, size) {
return this.discoverySplash ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_DISCOVERY_SPLASH(this.id, this.discoverySplash), format, size) : null;
* Get the guild's icon with the given format and size
* @arg {String} [format] The filetype of the icon ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", or "webp")
* @arg {Number} [size] The size of the icon (any power of two between 16 and 4096)
* @returns {String?}
dynamicIconURL(format, size) {
return this.icon ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_ICON(this.id, this.icon), format, size) : null;
* Get the guild's splash with the given format and size
* @arg {String} [format] The filetype of the icon ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", or "webp")
* @arg {Number} [size] The size of the icon (any power of two between 16 and 4096)
* @returns {String?}
dynamicSplashURL(format, size) {
return this.splash ? this._client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_SPLASH(this.id, this.splash), format, size) : null;
* Edit the guild
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String} [options.afkChannelID] The ID of the AFK voice channel
* @arg {Number} [options.afkTimeout] The AFK timeout in seconds
* @arg {String} [options.banner] The guild banner image as a base64 data URI (VIP only). Note: base64 strings alone are not base64 data URI strings
* @arg {Number} [options.defaultNotifications] The default notification settings for the guild. 0 is "All Messages", 1 is "Only @mentions".
* @arg {String} [options.description] The description for the guild (VIP only)
* @arg {String} [options.discoverySplash] The guild discovery splash image as a base64 data URI (VIP only). Note: base64 strings alone are not base64 data URI strings
* @arg {Number} [options.explicitContentFilter] The level of the explicit content filter for messages/images in the guild. 0 disables message scanning, 1 enables scanning the messages of members without roles, 2 enables scanning for all messages.
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.features] The enabled features for the guild. Note that only certain features can be toggled with the API
* @arg {String} [options.icon] The guild icon as a base64 data URI. Note: base64 strings alone are not base64 data URI strings
* @arg {String} [options.name] The name of the guild
* @arg {String} [options.ownerID] The ID of the member to transfer guild ownership to (bot user must be owner)
* @arg {String} [options.preferredLocale] Preferred "COMMUNITY" guild language used in server discovery and notices from Discord
* @arg {String} [options.publicUpdatesChannelID] The id of the channel where admins and moderators of "COMMUNITY" guilds receive notices from Discord
* @arg {String} [options.rulesChannelID] The id of the channel where "COMMUNITY" guilds display rules and/or guidelines
* @arg {String} [options.splash] The guild splash image as a base64 data URI (VIP only). Note: base64 strings alone are not base64 data URI strings
* @arg {Number} [options.systemChannelFlags] The flags for the system channel
* @arg {String} [options.systemChannelID] The ID of the system channel
* @arg {Number} [options.verificationLevel] The guild verification level
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Guild>}
edit(options, reason) {
return this._client.editGuild.call(this._client, this.id, options, reason);
* Edit multiple channels' positions. Note that channel position numbers are grouped by type (category, text, voice), then sorted in ascending order (lowest number is on top).
* @arg {Array<Object>} channelPositions An array of [ChannelPosition](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild-channel-positions)
* @arg {String} channelPositions[].id The ID of the channel
* @arg {Number} channelPositions[].position The new position of the channel
* @arg {Boolean} [channelPositions[].lockPermissions] Whether to sync the channel's permissions with the new parent, if changing parents
* @arg {String} [channelPositions[].parentID] The new parent ID (category channel) for the channel that is moved. For each request, only one channel can change parents
* @returns {Promise}
editChannelPositions(channelPositions) {
return this._client.editChannelPositions.call(this._client, this.id, channelPositions);
* Edit a guild application command
* @arg {String} commandID The command id
* @arg {Object} command A command object
* @arg {String} command.name The command name
* @arg {String} [command.description] The command description (Slash Commands Only)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [command.options] An array of [command options](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-option-structure)
* @arg {Boolean} [command.defaultPermission] Whether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guild
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with a command object
editCommand(commandID, commands) {
return this._client.editGuildCommand.call(this._client, this.id, commandID, commands);
* Edits command permissions for a specific command in a guild.
* Note: You can only add up to 10 permission overwrites for a command.
* @arg {String} commandID The command id
* @arg {Array<Object>} permissions An array of [permissions objects](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-permissions-object-application-command-permissions-structure)
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with a [GuildApplicationCommandPermissions](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-permissions-object-guild-application-command-permissions-structure) object.
editCommandPermissions(commandID, permissions) {
return this._client.editCommandPermissions.call(this._client, this.id, commandID, permissions);
* Edit the guild's discovery data
* @arg {Object} [options] The guild discovery data
* @arg {String} [options.primaryCategoryID] The primary discovery category ID
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.keywords] The discovery keywords (max 10)
* @arg {Boolean} [options.emojiDiscoverabilityEnabled] Whether guild info should be shown when emoji info is loaded
* @arg {String} [options.reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Object>} The updated discovery object
editDiscovery(options) {
return this._client.editGuildDiscovery.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Edit a emoji in the guild
* @arg {String} emojiID The ID of the emoji you want to modify
* @arg {Object} options Emoji options
* @arg {String} [options.name] The name of emoji
* @arg {Array} [options.roles] An array containing authorized role IDs
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A guild emoji object
editEmoji(emojiID, options, reason) {
return this._client.editGuildEmoji.call(this._client, this.id, emojiID, options, reason);
* Edit a guild integration
* @arg {String} integrationID The ID of the integration
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String} [options.enableEmoticons] Whether to enable integration emoticons or not
* @arg {String} [options.expireBehavior] What to do when a user's subscription runs out
* @arg {String} [options.expireGracePeriod] How long before the integration's role is removed from an unsubscribed user
* @returns {Promise}
editIntegration(integrationID, options) {
return this._client.editGuildIntegration.call(this._client, this.id, integrationID, options);
* Edit a guild member
* @arg {String} memberID The ID of the member (use "@me" to edit the current bot user)
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String?} [options.channelID] The ID of the voice channel to move the member to (must be in voice). Set to `null` to disconnect the member
* @arg {Date?} [options.communicationDisabledUntil] When the user's timeout should expire. Set to `null` to instantly remove timeout
* @arg {Boolean} [options.deaf] Server deafen the member
* @arg {Boolean} [options.mute] Server mute the member
* @arg {String} [options.nick] Set the member's guild nickname, "" to remove
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.roles] The array of role IDs the member should have
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Member>}
editMember(memberID, options, reason) {
return this._client.editGuildMember.call(this._client, this.id, memberID, options, reason);
* [DEPRECATED] Edit the bot's nickname in the guild
* @arg {String} nick The nickname
* @returns {Promise}
editNickname(nick) {
return this._client.editNickname.call(this._client, this.id, nick);
* Edit the guild role
* @arg {String} roleID The ID of the role
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {Number} [options.color] The hex color of the role, in number form (ex: 0x3da5b3 or 4040115)
* @arg {Boolean} [options.hoist] Whether to hoist the role in the user list or not
* @arg {String} [options.icon] The role icon as a base64 data URI
* @arg {Boolean} [options.mentionable] Whether the role is mentionable or not
* @arg {String} [options.name] The name of the role
* @arg {BigInt | Number | String | Permission} [options.permissions] The role permissions
* @arg {String} [options.unicodeEmoji] The role's unicode emoji
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Role>}
editRole(roleID, options, reason) {
return this._client.editRole.call(this._client, this.id, roleID, options, reason);
* Edit this scheduled event
* @arg {String} eventID The guild scheduled event ID
* @arg {Object} event The new guild scheduled event object
* @arg {String} [event.channelID] The channel ID of the event. If updating `entityType` to `3` (external), this **must** be set to `null`
* @arg {String} [event.description] The description of the event
* @arg {Object} [event.entityMetadata] The entity metadata for the scheduled event. This is required if updating `entityType` to `3` (external)
* @arg {String} [event.entityMetadata.location] Location of the event. This is required if updating `entityType` to `3` (external)
* @arg {Number} [event.entityType] The [entity type](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-entity-types) of the scheduled event
* @arg {String} [event.image] Base 64 encoded image for the event
* @arg {String} [event.name] The name of the event
* @arg {String} [event.privacyLevel] The privacy level of the event
* @arg {Date} [event.scheduledEndTime] The time when the scheduled event is scheduled to end. This is required if updating `entityType` to `3` (external)
* @arg {Date} [event.scheduledStartTime] The time the event will start
* @arg {Number} [event.status] The [status](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-status) of the scheduled event
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<GuildScheduledEvent>}
editScheduledEvent(eventID, event, reason) {
return this._client.editGuildScheduledEvent.call(this._client, this.id, eventID, event, reason);
* Edit a guild sticker
* @arg {String} stickerID The ID of the sticker
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String} [options.description] The description of the sticker
* @arg {String} [options.name] The name of the sticker
* @arg {String} [options.tags] The Discord name of a unicode emoji representing the sticker's expression
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A sticker object
editSticker(stickerID, options, reason) {
return this._client.editGuildSticker.call(this._client, this.id, stickerID, options, reason);
* Edit a guild template
* @arg {String} code The template code
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String} [options.name] The name of the template
* @arg {String?} [options.description] The desription for the template. Set to `null` to remove the description
* @returns {Promise<GuildTemplate>}
editTemplate(code, options) {
return this._client.editGuildTemplate.call(this._client, this.id, code, options);
* Modify the guild's vanity code
* @arg {String?} code The new vanity code
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
editVanity(code) {
return this._client.editGuildVanity.call(this._client, this.id, code);
* Update a user's voice state - See [caveats](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-user-voice-state-caveats)
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String} options.channelID The ID of the channel the user is currently in
* @arg {Date?} [options.requestToSpeakTimestamp] Sets the user's request to speak - this can only be used when the `userID` param is "@me"
* @arg {Boolean} [options.suppress] Toggles the user's suppress state
* @arg {String} [userID="@me"] The user ID of the user to update
* @returns {Promise}
editVoiceState(options, userID) {
return this._client.editGuildVoiceState.call(this._client, this.id, options, userID);
* Edit the guild welcome screen
* @arg {Object} [options] The properties to edit
* @arg {String?} [options.description] The description in the welcome screen
* @arg {Boolean} [options.enabled] Whether the welcome screen is enabled
* @arg {Array<Object>} [options.welcomeChannels] The list of channels in the welcome screen as an array
* @arg {String} options.welcomeChannels[].channelID The channel ID of the welcome channel
* @arg {String} options.welcomeChannels[].description The description of the welcome channel
* @arg {String?} options.welcomeChannels[].emojiID The emoji ID of the welcome channel
* @arg {String?} options.welcomeChannels[].emojiName The emoji name of the welcome channel
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
editWelcomeScreen(options) {
return this._client.editGuildWelcomeScreen.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Modify a guild's widget
* @arg {Object} options The widget object to modify (https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild-widget)
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A guild widget object
editWidget(options) {
return this._client.editGuildWidget.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Request all guild members from Discord
* @arg {Number} [timeout] The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving early. Defaults to the `requestTimeout` client option
* @returns {Promise<Number>} Resolves with the total number of fetched members.
fetchAllMembers(timeout) {
return this.fetchMembers({
}).then((m) => m.length);
* Request specific guild members through the gateway connection
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for fetching the members
* @arg {Number} [options.limit] The maximum number of members to fetch
* @arg {Boolean} [options.presences] Whether to request member presences or not. When using intents, the `GUILD_PRESENCES` intent is required.
* @arg {String} [options.query] The query used for looking up the members. When using intents, `GUILD_MEMBERS` is required to fetch all members.
* @arg {Number} [options.timeout] The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving early. Defaults to the `requestTimeout` client option
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.userIDs] The IDs of members to fetch
* @returns {Promise<Array<Member>>} Resolves with the fetched members.
fetchMembers(options) {
return this.shard.requestGuildMembers(this.id, options);
* Get all active threads in this guild
* @returns {Promise<Object>} An object containing an array of `threads` and an array of `members`
getActiveThreads() {
return this._client.getActiveGuildThreads.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the audit log for the guild
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request. If this is a number ([DEPRECATED] behavior), it is treated as `options.limit`
* @arg {Number} [options.actionType] Filter entries by action type
* @arg {String} [options.before] Get entries before this entry ID
* @arg {Number} [options.limit=50] The maximum number of entries to return
* @arg {String} [options.userID] Filter entries by the user that performed the action
* @returns {Promise<{entries: Array<GuildAuditLogEntry>, integrations: Array<PartialIntegration>, threads: Array<NewsThreadChannel | PrivateThreadChannel | PublicThreadChannel>, users: Array<User>, webhooks: Array<Webhook>}>}
getAuditLog(options) {
return this._client.getGuildAuditLog.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* [DEPRECATED] Get the audit log for a guild. Use `getAuditLog` instead
* @arg {Number} [limit=50] The maximum number of entries to return
* @arg {String} [before] Get entries before this entry ID
* @arg {Number} [actionType] Filter entries by action type
* @arg {String} [userID] Filter entries by the user that performed the action
* @returns {Promise<{entries: Array<GuildAuditLogEntry>, integrations: Array<PartialIntegration>, threads: Array<NewsThreadChannel | PrivateThreadChannel | PublicThreadChannel>, users: Array<User>, webhooks: Array<Webhook>}>}
getAuditLogs(limit, before, actionType, userID) {
return this._client.getGuildAuditLogs.call(this._client, this.id, limit, before, actionType, userID);
* Get a ban from the ban list of a guild
* @arg {String} userID The ID of the banned user
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with {reason: String, user: User}
getBan(userID) {
return this._client.getGuildBan.call(this._client, this.id, userID);
* Get the ban list of the guild
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request
* @arg {String} [options.after] Only get users after given user ID
* @arg {String} [options.before] Only get users before given user ID
* @arg {Number} [options.limit=1000] The maximum number of users to return
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} Resolves with an array of { reason: String, user: User }
getBans(options) {
return this._client.getGuildBans.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Get a guild application command
* @arg {String} commandID The command id
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with a command object
getCommand(commandID) {
return this._client.getGuildCommand.call(this._client, this.id, commandID);
* Get the a guild's application command permissions
* @arg {String} commandID The command id
* @returns {Promise<Object>} Resolves with a guild application command permissions object.
getCommandPermissions(commandID) {
return this._client.getCommandPermissions.call(this._client, this.id, commandID);
* Get the guild's application commands
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} Resolves with an array of command objects
getCommands() {
return this._client.getGuildCommands.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the guild's discovery object
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
getDiscovery() {
return this._client.getGuildDiscovery.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the all of a guild's application command permissions
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} Resolves with an array of guild application command permissions objects.
getGuildCommandPermissions() {
return this._client.getGuildCommandPermissions.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get a list of integrations for the guild
* @returns {Promise<Array<GuildIntegration>>}
getIntegrations() {
return this._client.getGuildIntegrations.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get all invites in the guild
* @returns {Promise<Array<Invite>>}
getInvites() {
return this._client.getGuildInvites.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the prune count for the guild
* @arg {Number} [options] The options to use to get number of prune members
* @arg {Number} [options.days=7] The number of days of inactivity to prune for
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.includeRoles] An array of role IDs that members must have to be considered for pruning
* @returns {Promise<Number>} Resolves with the number of members that would be pruned
getPruneCount(options) {
return this._client.getPruneCount.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Get a guild's channels via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @returns {Promise<Array<CategoryChannel> | Array<TextChannel> | Array<TextVoiceChannel>>}
getRESTChannels() {
return this._client.getRESTGuildChannels.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get a guild emoji via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @arg {String} emojiID The ID of the emoji
* @returns {Promise<Object>} An emoji object
getRESTEmoji(emojiID) {
return this._client.getRESTGuildEmoji.call(this._client, this.id, emojiID);
* Get a guild's emojis via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} An array of guild emoji objects
getRESTEmojis() {
return this._client.getRESTGuildEmojis.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get a guild's members via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @arg {String} memberID The ID of the member
* @returns {Promise<Member>}
getRESTMember(memberID) {
return this._client.getRESTGuildMember.call(this._client, this.id, memberID);
* Get a guild's members via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request. If this is a number ([DEPRECATED] behavior), it is treated as `options.limit`
* @arg {String} [options.after] The highest user ID of the previous page
* @arg {Number} [options.limit=1] The max number of members to get (1 to 1000)
* @arg {String} [after] [DEPRECATED] The highest user ID of the previous page
* @returns {Promise<Array<Member>>}
getRESTMembers(options, after) {
return this._client.getRESTGuildMembers.call(this._client, this.id, options, after);
* Get a guild's roles via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @returns {Promise<Array<Role>>}
getRESTRoles() {
return this._client.getRESTGuildRoles.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get a guild scheduled event via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @arg {String} eventID The ID of the guild scheduled event
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request
* @arg {Boolean} [options.withUserCount] Whether to include the number of users subscribed to the event
* @returns {Promise<GuildScheduledEvent>}
getRESTScheduledEvent(eventID, options) {
return this._client.getRESTGuildScheduledEvent.call(this._client, this.id, eventID, options);
* Get a guild sticker via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @arg {String} stickerID The ID of the sticker
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A sticker object
getRESTSticker(stickerID) {
return this._client.getRESTGuildSticker.call(this._client, this.id, stickerID);
* Get a guild's stickers via the REST API. REST mode is required to use this endpoint.
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} An array of guild sticker objects
getRESTStickers() {
return this._client.getRESTGuildStickers.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the guild's scheduled events
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request
* @arg {Boolean} [options.withUserCount] Whether to include the number of users subscribed to each event
* @returns {Promise<Array<GuildScheduledEvent>>}
getScheduledEvents(options) {
return this._client.getGuildScheduledEvents.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Get a list of users subscribed to a guild scheduled event
* @arg {String} eventID The ID of the event
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request
* @arg {String} [options.after] Get users after this user ID. If `options.before` is provided, this will be ignored. Fetching users in between `before` and `after` is not supported
* @arg {String} [options.before] Get users before this user ID
* @arg {Number} [options.limit=100] The number of users to get (max 100). Pagination will only work if one of `options.after` or `options.after` is also provided
* @arg {Boolean} [options.withMember] Include guild member data
* @returns {Promise<Array<{guildScheduledEventID: String, member?: Member, user: User}>}
getScheduledEventUsers(eventID, options) {
return this._client.getGuildScheduledEventUsers.call(this._client, this.id, eventID, options);
* Get the guild's templates
* @returns {Promise<Array<GuildTemplate>>}
getTemplates() {
return this._client.getGuildTemplates.call(this._client, this.id);
* Returns the vanity url of the guild
* @returns {Promise}
getVanity() {
return this._client.getGuildVanity.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get possible voice regions for a guild
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} Resolves with an array of voice region objects
getVoiceRegions() {
return this._client.getVoiceRegions.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get all the webhooks in the guild
* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} Resolves with an array of webhook objects
getWebhooks() {
return this._client.getGuildWebhooks.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the welcome screen of the Community guild, shown to new members
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
getWelcomeScreen() {
return this._client.getGuildWelcomeScreen.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get a guild's widget object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A guild widget object
getWidget() {
return this._client.getGuildWidget.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get a guild's widget settings object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A guild widget settings object
getWidgetSettings() {
return this._client.getGuildWidgetSettings.call(this._client, this.id);
* Kick a member from the guild
* @arg {String} userID The ID of the member
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
kickMember(userID, reason) {
return this._client.kickGuildMember.call(this._client, this.id, userID, reason);
* Leave the guild
* @returns {Promise}
leave() {
return this._client.leaveGuild.call(this._client, this.id);
* Leaves the voice channel in this guild
leaveVoiceChannel() {
this._client.closeVoiceConnection.call(this._client, this.id);
* Get the guild permissions of a member
* @arg {String | Member | Object} memberID The ID of the member or a Member object
* @returns {Permission}
permissionsOf(memberID) {
const member = typeof memberID === "string" ? this.members.get(memberID) : memberID;
if(member.id === this.ownerID) {
return new Permission(Permissions.all);
} else {
let permissions = this.roles.get(this.id).permissions.allow;
if(permissions & Permissions.administrator) {
return new Permission(Permissions.all);
for(let role of member.roles) {
role = this.roles.get(role);
if(!role) {
const {allow: perm} = role.permissions;
if(perm & Permissions.administrator) {
permissions = Permissions.all;
} else {
permissions |= perm;
return new Permission(permissions);
* Begin pruning the guild
* @arg {Number} [options] The options to pass to prune members
* @arg {Boolean} [options.computePruneCount=true] Whether or not the number of pruned members should be returned. Discord discourages setting this to true for larger guilds
* @arg {Number} [options.days=7] The number of days of inactivity to prune for
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.includeRoles] An array of role IDs that members must have to be considered for pruning
* @arg {String} [options.reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Number>} Resolves with the number of pruned members
pruneMembers(options) {
return this._client.pruneMembers.call(this._client, this.id, options);
* Remove a role from a guild member
* @arg {String} memberID The ID of the member
* @arg {String} roleID The ID of the role
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
removeMemberRole(memberID, roleID, reason) {
return this._client.removeGuildMemberRole.call(this._client, this.id, memberID, roleID, reason);
* Search for guild members by partial nickname/username
* @arg {String} query The query string to match username(s) and nickname(s) against
* @arg {Number} [limit=1] The maximum number of members you want returned, capped at 100
* @returns {Promise<Array<Member>>}
searchMembers(query, limit) {
return this._client.searchGuildMembers.call(this._client, this.id, query, limit);
* Force a guild integration to sync
* @arg {String} integrationID The ID of the integration
* @returns {Promise}
syncIntegration(integrationID) {
return this._client.syncGuildIntegration.call(this._client, this.id, integrationID);
* Force a guild template to sync
* @arg {String} code The template code
* @returns {Promise<GuildTemplate>}
syncTemplate(code) {
return this._client.syncGuildTemplate.call(this._client, this.id, code);
* Unban a user from the guild
* @arg {String} userID The ID of the member
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
unbanMember(userID, reason) {
return this._client.unbanGuildMember.call(this._client, this.id, userID, reason);
toJSON(props = []) {
return super.toJSON([
module.exports = Guild;