2023-11-29 18:22:10 +03:00
const Eris = require ( 'eris' )
const config = require ( './config.json' )
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const client = new Eris ( config . token , { maxShards : "auto" , getAllUsers : true , intents : [ "guildPresences" , "guildMembers" , "guilds" , "guildMessages" ] } ) // You can change your token using config.json
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const fs = require ( 'fs' )
// Command Handler
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client . commands = new Eris . Collection ( ) // Making a new collection for commands
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fs . readdir ( './commands/' , ( err , files ) => {
if ( err ) console . error ( err )
files . forEach ( file => {
let f = require ( ` ./commands/ ${ file } ` )
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client . commands . set ( f . info . name , f ) // Setting commands and names in collection
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} )
} )
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let prefix = config . prefix // You can change your prefix using config.json (default is "!")
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client . on ( 'messageCreate' , async message => {
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if ( message . author . bot || ! message . channel . guild || ! message . content . startsWith ( prefix ) ) return // Rejects if message author is a bot, message was not sent in a guild channel, message not starts with prefix
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let args = message . content . slice ( prefix . length ) . trim ( ) . split ( / +/g ) // Getting the args from message
let command = args . shift ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) // Getting the command from args
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let cmd ;
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if ( client . commands . has ( command ) ) cmd = client . commands . get ( command ) // Checking if typed command is exists
if ( cmd ) cmd . run ( client , message , args ) // Running the command if it is exists
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} )
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client . on ( 'ready' , ( ) => console . log ( 'Bot is ready!' ) ) // Ready Event
client . connect ( ) // Connecting to the bot