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2023-11-29 18:23:54 +03:00
"use strict";
const Base = require("./Base");
const Endpoints = require("../rest/Endpoints");
const User = require("./User");
const VoiceState = require("./VoiceState");
* Represents a server member
* @prop {Number?} accentColor The user's banner color, or null if no banner color (REST only)
* @prop {Array<Object>?} activities The member's current activities
* @prop {String?} avatar The hash of the member's guild avatar, or null if no guild avatar
* @prop {String} avatarURL The URL of the user's avatar which can be either a JPG or GIF
* @prop {String?} banner The hash of the user's banner, or null if no banner (REST only)
* @prop {String?} bannerURL The URL of the user's banner
* @prop {Boolean} bot Whether the user is an OAuth bot or not
* @prop {Object?} clientStatus The member's per-client status
* @prop {String} clientStatus.web The member's status on web. Either "online", "idle", "dnd", or "offline". Will be "online" for bots
* @prop {String} clientStatus.desktop The member's status on desktop. Either "online", "idle", "dnd", or "offline". Will be "offline" for bots
* @prop {String} clientStatus.mobile The member's status on mobile. Either "online", "idle", "dnd", or "offline". Will be "offline" for bots
* @prop {Number?} communicationDisabledUntil Timestamp of timeout expiry. If `null`, the member is not timed out
* @prop {Number} createdAt Timestamp of user creation
* @prop {String} defaultAvatar The hash for the default avatar of a user if there is no avatar set
* @prop {String} defaultAvatarURL The URL of the user's default avatar
* @prop {String} discriminator The discriminator of the user
* @prop {Object?} game The active game the member is playing
* @prop {String} game.name The name of the active game
* @prop {Number} game.type The type of the active game (0 is default, 1 is Twitch, 2 is YouTube)
* @prop {String?} game.url The url of the active game
* @prop {Guild} guild The guild the member is in
* @prop {String} id The ID of the member
* @prop {Number?} joinedAt Timestamp of when the member joined the guild
* @prop {String} mention A string that mentions the member
* @prop {String?} nick The server nickname of the member
* @prop {Boolean?} pending Whether the member has passed the guild's Membership Screening requirements
* @prop {Permission} permission [DEPRECATED] The guild-wide permissions of the member. Use Member#permissions instead
* @prop {Permission} permissions The guild-wide permissions of the member
* @prop {Number?} premiumSince Timestamp of when the member boosted the guild
* @prop {Array<String>} roles An array of role IDs this member is a part of
* @prop {String} staticAvatarURL The URL of the user's avatar (always a JPG)
* @prop {String} status The member's status. Either "online", "idle", "dnd", or "offline"
* @prop {User} user The user object of the member
* @prop {String} username The username of the user
* @prop {VoiceState} voiceState The voice state of the member
class Member extends Base {
constructor(data, guild, client) {
super(data.id || data.user.id);
if(!data.id && data.user) {
data.id = data.user.id;
if((this.guild = guild)) {
this.user = guild.shard.client.users.get(data.id);
if(!this.user && data.user) {
this.user = guild.shard.client.users.add(data.user, guild.shard.client);
if(!this.user) {
throw new Error("User associated with Member not found: " + data.id);
} else if(data.user) {
if(!client) {
this.user = new User(data.user);
} else {
this.user = client.users.update(data.user, client);
} else {
this.user = null;
this.nick = null;
this.roles = [];
update(data) {
if(data.status !== undefined) {
this.status = data.status;
if(data.joined_at !== undefined) {
this.joinedAt = data.joined_at ? Date.parse(data.joined_at) : null;
if(data.client_status !== undefined) {
this.clientStatus = Object.assign({web: "offline", desktop: "offline", mobile: "offline"}, data.client_status);
if(data.activities !== undefined) {
this.activities = data.activities;
if(data.premium_since !== undefined) {
this.premiumSince = data.premium_since === null ? null : Date.parse(data.premium_since);
if(data.hasOwnProperty("mute") && this.guild) {
const state = this.guild.voiceStates.get(this.id);
if(data.channel_id === null && !data.mute && !data.deaf && !data.suppress) {
} else if(state) {
} else if(data.channel_id || data.mute || data.deaf || data.suppress) {
if(data.nick !== undefined) {
this.nick = data.nick;
if(data.roles !== undefined) {
this.roles = data.roles;
if(data.pending !== undefined) {
this.pending = data.pending;
if(data.avatar !== undefined) {
this.avatar = data.avatar;
if(data.communication_disabled_until !== undefined) {
if(data.communication_disabled_until !== null) {
this.communicationDisabledUntil = Date.parse(data.communication_disabled_until);
} else {
this.communicationDisabledUntil = data.communication_disabled_until;
get accentColor() {
return this.user.accentColor;
get avatarURL() {
return this.avatar ? this.guild.shard.client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_AVATAR(this.guild.id, this.id, this.avatar)) : this.user.avatarURL;
get banner() {
return this.user.banner;
get bannerURL() {
return this.user.bannerURL;
get bot() {
return this.user.bot;
get createdAt() {
return this.user.createdAt;
get defaultAvatar() {
return this.user.defaultAvatar;
get defaultAvatarURL() {
return this.user.defaultAvatarURL;
get discriminator() {
return this.user.discriminator;
get mention() {
return `<@!${this.id}>`;
get permission() {
this.guild.shard.client.emit("warn", "[DEPRECATED] Member#permission is deprecated. Use Member#permissions instead");
return this.permissions;
get permissions() {
return this.guild.permissionsOf(this);
get staticAvatarURL(){
return this.user.staticAvatarURL;
get username() {
return this.user.username;
get voiceState() {
if(this.guild && this.guild.voiceStates.has(this.id)) {
return this.guild.voiceStates.get(this.id);
} else {
return new VoiceState({
id: this.id
get game() {
return this.activities && this.activities.length > 0 ? this.activities[0] : null;
* Add a role to the guild member
* @arg {String} roleID The ID of the role
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
addRole(roleID, reason) {
return this.guild.shard.client.addGuildMemberRole.call(this.guild.shard.client, this.guild.id, this.id, roleID, reason);
* Ban the user from the guild
* @arg {Number} [deleteMessageDays=0] Number of days to delete messages for, between 0-7 inclusive
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
ban(deleteMessageDays, reason) {
return this.guild.shard.client.banGuildMember.call(this.guild.shard.client, this.guild.id, this.id, deleteMessageDays, reason);
* Get the member's avatar with the given format and size
* @arg {String} [format] The filetype of the avatar ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", or "webp")
* @arg {Number} [size] The size of the avatar (any power of two between 16 and 4096)
* @returns {String}
dynamicAvatarURL(format, size) {
if(!this.avatar) {
return this.user.dynamicAvatarURL(format, size);
return this.guild.shard.client._formatImage(Endpoints.GUILD_AVATAR(this.guild.id, this.id, this.avatar), format, size);
* Edit the guild member
* @arg {Object} options The properties to edit
* @arg {String?} [options.channelID] The ID of the voice channel to move the member to (must be in voice). Set to `null` to disconnect the member
* @arg {Date?} [options.communicationDisabledUntil] When the user's timeout should expire. Set to `null` to instantly remove timeout
* @arg {Boolean} [options.deaf] Server deafen the user
* @arg {Boolean} [options.mute] Server mute the user
* @arg {String} [options.nick] Set the user's server nickname, "" to remove
* @arg {Array<String>} [options.roles] The array of role IDs the user should have
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
edit(options, reason) {
return this.guild.shard.client.editGuildMember.call(this.guild.shard.client, this.guild.id, this.id, options, reason);
* Kick the member from the guild
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
kick(reason) {
return this.guild.shard.client.kickGuildMember.call(this.guild.shard.client, this.guild.id, this.id, reason);
* Remove a role from the guild member
* @arg {String} roleID The ID of the role
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
removeRole(roleID, reason) {
return this.guild.shard.client.removeGuildMemberRole.call(this.guild.shard.client, this.guild.id, this.id, roleID, reason);
* Unban the user from the guild
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
unban(reason) {
return this.guild.shard.client.unbanGuildMember.call(this.guild.shard.client, this.guild.id, this.id, reason);
toJSON(props = []) {
return super.toJSON([
module.exports = Member;