2023-11-29 18:23:54 +03:00

407 lines
25 KiB

"use strict";
const Interaction = require("./Interaction");
const Member = require("./Member");
const User = require("./User");
const Role = require("./Role");
const Channel = require("./Channel");
const Message = require("./Message");
const Collection = require("../util/Collection");
const Permission = require("./Permission");
const {InteractionResponseTypes} = require("../Constants");
* Represents an application command interaction. See Interaction for more properties.
* @extends Interaction
* @prop {Permission?} appPermissions The permissions the app or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from
* @prop {PrivateChannel | TextChannel | NewsChannel} channel The channel the interaction was created in. Can be partial with only the id if the channel is not cached.
* @prop {Object} data The data attached to the interaction
* @prop {String} data.id The ID of the Application Command
* @prop {String} data.name The command name
* @prop {Number} data.type The [command type](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-types)
* @prop {String?} data.target_id The id the of user or message targetted by a context menu command
* @prop {Array<Object>?} data.options The run Application Command options
* @prop {String} data.options[].name The name of the Application Command option
* @prop {Number} data.options[].type Command option type, 1-10
* @prop {(String | Number | Boolean)?} data.options[].value The value of the run Application Command (Mutually exclusive with options)
* @prop {Array<Object>?} data.options[].options The run Application Command options (Mutually exclusive with value)
* @prop {Object?} data.resolved converted users + roles + channels
* @prop {Collection<User>?} data.resolved.users converted users
* @prop {Collection<Member>?} data.resolved.members converted members
* @prop {Collection<Role>?} data.resolved.roles converted roles
* @prop {Collection<Channel>?} data.resolved.channels converted channels
* @prop {String?} guildID The ID of the guild in which the interaction was created
* @prop {Member?} member The member who triggered the interaction (This is only sent when the interaction is invoked within a guild)
* @prop {User?} user The user who triggered the interaction (This is only sent when the interaction is invoked within a dm)
class CommandInteraction extends Interaction {
constructor(info, client) {
super(info, client);
this.channel = this._client.getChannel(info.channel_id) || {
id: info.channel_id
this.data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(info.data));
if(info.data.resolved !== undefined) {
if(info.data.resolved.users !== undefined) {
const usermap = new Collection(User);
Object.entries(info.data.resolved.users).forEach(([id, user]) => {
usermap.set(id, this._client.users.update(user, client));
this.data.resolved.users = usermap;
if(info.data.resolved.members !== undefined) {
const membermap = new Collection(Member);
Object.entries(info.data.resolved.members).forEach(([id, member]) => {
member.id = id;
member.user = {id};
if(this.channel.guild) {
membermap.set(id, this.channel.guild.members.update(member, this.channel.guild));
} else {
const guild = this._client.guilds.get(info.guild_id);
if(guild) {
membermap.set(id, guild.members.update(member, guild));
} else {
membermap.set(id, new Member(member, guild, this._client));
this.data.resolved.members = membermap;
if(info.data.resolved.roles !== undefined) {
const rolemap = new Collection(Role);
Object.entries(info.data.resolved.roles).forEach(([id, role]) => {
rolemap.set(id, new Role(role, this._client));
this.data.resolved.roles = rolemap;
if(info.data.resolved.channels !== undefined) {
const channelmap = new Collection(Channel);
Object.entries(info.data.resolved.channels).forEach(([id, channel]) => {
channelmap.set(id, new Channel(channel, this._client));
this.data.resolved.channels = channelmap;
if(info.data.resolved.messages !== undefined) {
const messagemap = new Collection(Message);
Object.entries(info.data.resolved.messages).forEach(([id, message]) => {
messagemap.set(id, new Message(message, this._client));
this.data.resolved.messages = messagemap;
if(info.guild_id !== undefined) {
this.guildID = info.guild_id;
if(info.member !== undefined) {
if(this.channel.guild) {
info.member.id = info.member.user.id;
this.member = this.channel.guild.members.update(info.member, this.channel.guild);
} else {
const guild = this._client.guilds.get(info.guild_id);
this.member = new Member(info.member, guild, this._client);
if(info.user !== undefined) {
this.user = this._client.users.update(info.user, client);
if(info.app_permissions !== undefined) {
this.appPermissions = new Permission(info.app_permissions);
* Acknowledges the interaction with a defer response
* Note: You can **not** use more than 1 initial interaction response per interaction.
* @arg {Number} [flags] 64 for Ephemeral
* @returns {Promise}
async acknowledge(flags) {
return this.defer(flags);
* Respond to the interaction with a followup message
* @arg {String | Object} content A string or object. If an object is passed:
* @arg {Object} [content.allowedMentions] A list of mentions to allow (overrides default)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.everyone] Whether or not to allow @everyone/@here.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.roles] Whether or not to allow all role mentions, or an array of specific role mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.users] Whether or not to allow all user mentions, or an array of specific user mentions to allow.
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components] An array of component objects
* @arg {String} [content.components[].custom_id] The ID of the component (type 2 style 0-4 and type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].disabled] Whether the component is disabled (type 2 and 3 only)
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {String} [content.components[].label] The label to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].max_values] The maximum number of items that can be chosen (1-25, default 1)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].min_values] The minimum number of items that must be chosen (0-25, default 1)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components[].options] The options for this component (type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].options[].default] Whether this option should be the default value selected
* @arg {String} [content.components[].options[].description] The description for this option
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].options[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in this option
* @arg {String} content.components[].options[].label The label for this option
* @arg {Number | String} content.components[].options[].value The value for this option
* @arg {String} [content.components[].placeholder] The placeholder text for the component when no option is selected (type 3 only)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].style] The style of the component (type 2 only) - If 0-4, `custom_id` is required; if 5, `url` is required
* @arg {Number} content.components[].type The type of component - If 1, it is a collection and a `components` array (nested) is required; if 2, it is a button; if 3, it is a select menu
* @arg {String} [content.components[].url] The URL that the component should open for users (type 2 style 5 only)
* @arg {String} [content.content] A content string
* @arg {Object} [content.embed] An embed object. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Array<Object>} [options.embeds] An array of embed objects. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Number} [content.flags] 64 for Ephemeral
* @arg {Boolean} [content.tts] Set the message TTS flag
* @arg {Object | Array<Object>} [file] A file object (or an Array of them)
* @arg {Buffer} file.file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} file.name What to name the file
* @returns {Promise<Message?>}
async createFollowup(content, file) {
if(this.acknowledged === false) {
throw new Error("createFollowup cannot be used to acknowledge an interaction, please use acknowledge, createMessage, or defer first.");
if(content !== undefined) {
if(typeof content !== "object" || content === null) {
content = {
content: "" + content
} else if(content.content !== undefined && typeof content.content !== "string") {
content.content = "" + content.content;
if(file) {
content.file = file;
return this._client.executeWebhook.call(this._client, this.applicationID, this.token, Object.assign({wait: true}, content));
* Acknowledges the interaction with a message. If already acknowledged runs createFollowup
* Note: You can **not** use more than 1 initial interaction response per interaction, use createFollowup if you have already responded with a different interaction response.
* @arg {String | Object} content A string or object. If an object is passed:
* @arg {Object} [content.allowedMentions] A list of mentions to allow (overrides default)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.everyone] Whether or not to allow @everyone/@here.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.roles] Whether or not to allow all role mentions, or an array of specific role mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.users] Whether or not to allow all user mentions, or an array of specific user mentions to allow.
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components] An array of component objects
* @arg {String} [content.components[].custom_id] The ID of the component (type 2 style 0-4 and type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].disabled] Whether the component is disabled (type 2 and 3 only)
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {String} [content.components[].label] The label to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].max_values] The maximum number of items that can be chosen (1-25, default 1)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].min_values] The minimum number of items that must be chosen (0-25, default 1)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components[].options] The options for this component (type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].options[].default] Whether this option should be the default value selected
* @arg {String} [content.components[].options[].description] The description for this option
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].options[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in this option
* @arg {String} content.components[].options[].label The label for this option
* @arg {Number | String} content.components[].options[].value The value for this option
* @arg {String} [content.components[].placeholder] The placeholder text for the component when no option is selected (type 3 only)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].style] The style of the component (type 2 only) - If 0-4, `custom_id` is required; if 5, `url` is required
* @arg {Number} content.components[].type The type of component - If 1, it is a collection and a `components` array (nested) is required; if 2, it is a button; if 3, it is a select menu
* @arg {String} [content.components[].url] The URL that the component should open for users (type 2 style 5 only)
* @arg {String} [content.content] A content string
* @arg {Object} [content.embed] An embed object. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.embeds] An array of embed objects. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Boolean} [content.flags] 64 for Ephemeral
* @arg {Boolean} [content.tts] Set the message TTS flag
* @arg {Object | Array<Object>} [file] A file object (or an Array of them)
* @arg {Buffer} file.file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} file.name What to name the file
* @returns {Promise}
async createMessage(content, file) {
if(this.acknowledged === true) {
return this.createFollowup(content, file);
if(content !== undefined) {
if(typeof content !== "object" || content === null) {
content = {
content: "" + content
} else if(content.content !== undefined && typeof content.content !== "string") {
content.content = "" + content.content;
if(content.content !== undefined || content.embeds || content.allowedMentions) {
content.allowed_mentions = this._client._formatAllowedMentions(content.allowedMentions);
return this._client.createInteractionResponse.call(this._client, this.id, this.token, {
type: InteractionResponseTypes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE,
data: content
}, file).then(() => this.update());
* Acknowledges the interaction with a defer response
* Note: You can **not** use more than 1 initial interaction response per interaction.
* @arg {Number} [flags] 64 for Ephemeral
* @returns {Promise}
async defer(flags) {
if(this.acknowledged === true) {
throw new Error("You have already acknowledged this interaction.");
return this._client.createInteractionResponse.call(this._client, this.id, this.token, {
data: {
flags: flags || 0
}).then(() => this.update());
* Delete a message
* @arg {String} messageID the id of the message to delete, or "@original" for the original response.
* @returns {Promise}
async deleteMessage(messageID) {
if(this.acknowledged === false) {
throw new Error("deleteMessage cannot be used to acknowledge an interaction, please use acknowledge, createMessage, or defer first.");
return this._client.deleteWebhookMessage.call(this._client, this.applicationID, this.token, messageID);
* Delete the Original message
* Warning: Will error with ephemeral messages.
* @returns {Promise}
async deleteOriginalMessage() {
if(this.acknowledged === false) {
throw new Error("deleteOriginalMessage cannot be used to acknowledge an interaction, please use acknowledge, createMessage, or defer first.");
return this._client.deleteWebhookMessage.call(this._client, this.applicationID, this.token, "@original");
* Edit a message
* @arg {String} messageID the id of the message to edit, or "@original" for the original response.
* @arg {Object} content Interaction message edit options
* @arg {Object} [content.allowedMentions] A list of mentions to allow (overrides default)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.everyone] Whether or not to allow @everyone/@here.
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.repliedUser] Whether or not to mention the author of the message being replied to.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.roles] Whether or not to allow all role mentions, or an array of specific role mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.users] Whether or not to allow all user mentions, or an array of specific user mentions to allow.
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components] An array of component objects
* @arg {String} [content.components[].custom_id] The ID of the component (type 2 style 0-4 and type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].disabled] Whether the component is disabled (type 2 and 3 only)
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {String} [content.components[].label] The label to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].max_values] The maximum number of items that can be chosen (1-25, default 1)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].min_values] The minimum number of items that must be chosen (0-25, default 1)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components[].options] The options for this component (type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].options[].default] Whether this option should be the default value selected
* @arg {String} [content.components[].options[].description] The description for this option
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].options[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in this option
* @arg {String} content.components[].options[].label The label for this option
* @arg {Number | String} content.components[].options[].value The value for this option
* @arg {String} [content.components[].placeholder] The placeholder text for the component when no option is selected (type 3 only)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].style] The style of the component (type 2 only) - If 0-4, `custom_id` is required; if 5, `url` is required
* @arg {Number} content.components[].type The type of component - If 1, it is a collection and a `components` array (nested) is required; if 2, it is a button; if 3, it is a select menu
* @arg {String} [content.components[].url] The URL that the component should open for users (type 2 style 5 only)
* @arg {String} [content.content] A content string
* @arg {Object} [content.embed] An embed object. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.embeds] An array of embed objects. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Object | Array<Object>} [file] A file object (or an Array of them)
* @arg {Buffer} file.file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} file.name What to name the file
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
async editMessage(messageID, content, file) {
if(this.acknowledged === false) {
throw new Error("editMessage cannot be used to acknowledge an interaction, please use acknowledge, createMessage, or defer first.");
if(content !== undefined) {
if(typeof content !== "object" || content === null) {
content = {
content: "" + content
} else if(content.content !== undefined && typeof content.content !== "string") {
content.content = "" + content.content;
if(file) {
content.file = file;
return this._client.editWebhookMessage.call(this._client, this.applicationID, this.token, messageID, content);
* Edit the Original response message
* @arg {Object} content Interaction message edit options
* @arg {Object} [content.allowedMentions] A list of mentions to allow (overrides default)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.everyone] Whether or not to allow @everyone/@here.
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.repliedUser] Whether or not to mention the author of the message being replied to.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.roles] Whether or not to allow all role mentions, or an array of specific role mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.users] Whether or not to allow all user mentions, or an array of specific user mentions to allow.
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components] An array of component objects
* @arg {String} [content.components[].custom_id] The ID of the component (type 2 style 0-4 and type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].disabled] Whether the component is disabled (type 2 and 3 only)
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {String} [content.components[].label] The label to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].max_values] The maximum number of items that can be chosen (1-25, default 1)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].min_values] The minimum number of items that must be chosen (0-25, default 1)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components[].options] The options for this component (type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].options[].default] Whether this option should be the default value selected
* @arg {String} [content.components[].options[].description] The description for this option
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].options[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in this option
* @arg {String} content.components[].options[].label The label for this option
* @arg {Number | String} content.components[].options[].value The value for this option
* @arg {String} [content.components[].placeholder] The placeholder text for the component when no option is selected (type 3 only)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].style] The style of the component (type 2 only) - If 0-4, `custom_id` is required; if 5, `url` is required
* @arg {Number} content.components[].type The type of component - If 1, it is a collection and a `components` array (nested) is required; if 2, it is a button; if 3, it is a select menu
* @arg {String} [content.components[].url] The URL that the component should open for users (type 2 style 5 only)
* @arg {String} [content.content] A content string
* @arg {Object} [content.embed] An embed object. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.embeds] An array of embed objects. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Object | Array<Object>} [file] A file object (or an Array of them)
* @arg {Buffer} file.file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} file.name What to name the file
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
async editOriginalMessage(content, file) {
if(this.acknowledged === false) {
throw new Error("editOriginalMessage cannot be used to acknowledge an interaction, please use acknowledge, createMessage, or defer first.");
if(content !== undefined) {
if(typeof content !== "object" || content === null) {
content = {
content: "" + content
} else if(content.content !== undefined && typeof content.content !== "string") {
content.content = "" + content.content;
if(file) {
content.file = file;
return this._client.editWebhookMessage.call(this._client, this.applicationID, this.token, "@original", content);
* Get the Original response message
* Warning: Will error with ephemeral messages.
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
async getOriginalMessage() {
if(this.acknowledged === false) {
throw new Error("getOriginalMessage cannot be used to acknowledge an interaction, please use acknowledge, createMessage, or defer first.");
return this._client.getWebhookMessage.call(this._client, this.applicationID, this.token, "@original");
module.exports = CommandInteraction;