2023-11-29 18:23:54 +03:00

345 lines
18 KiB

"use strict";
const Collection = require("../util/Collection");
const GuildChannel = require("./GuildChannel");
const Message = require("./Message");
const ThreadMember = require("./ThreadMember");
* Represents a thread channel. You also probably want to look at NewsThreadChannel, PublicThreadChannel, and PrivateThreadChannel. See GuildChannel for extra properties.
* @extends GuildChannel
* @prop {String} lastMessageID The ID of the last message in this channel
* @prop {Object?} member Thread member for the current user, if they have joined the thread
* @prop {Number} member.flags The user's thread settings
* @prop {String} member.id The ID of the thread
* @prop {Number} member.joinTimestamp The time the user last joined the thread
* @prop {String} member.userID The ID of the user
* @prop {Number} memberCount An approximate number of users in the thread (stops at 50)
* @prop {Collection<ThreadMember>} members Collection of members in this channel
* @prop {Number} messageCount An approximate number of messages in the thread (stops at 50)
* @prop {Collection<Message>} messages Collection of Messages in this channel
* @prop {String} ownerID The ID of the user that created the thread
* @prop {Number} rateLimitPerUser The ratelimit of the channel, in seconds. 0 means no ratelimit is enabled
* @prop {Object} threadMetadata Metadata for the thread
* @prop {Number} threadMetadata.archiveTimestamp Timestamp when the thread's archive status was last changed, used for calculating recent activity
* @prop {Boolean} threadMetadata.archived Whether the thread is archived
* @prop {Number} threadMetadata.autoArchiveDuration Duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, either 60, 1440, 4320 or 10080
* @prop {Boolean} threadMetadata.locked Whether the thread is locked
class ThreadChannel extends GuildChannel {
constructor(data, client, messageLimit) {
super(data, client);
this.messages = new Collection(Message, messageLimit == null ? client.options.messageLimit : messageLimit);
this.members = new Collection(ThreadMember);
this.lastMessageID = data.last_message_id || null;
this.ownerID = data.owner_id;
update(data) {
if(data.member_count !== undefined) {
this.memberCount = data.member_count;
if(data.message_count !== undefined) {
this.messageCount = data.message_count;
if(data.rate_limit_per_user !== undefined) {
this.rateLimitPerUser = data.rate_limit_per_user;
if(data.thread_metadata !== undefined) {
this.threadMetadata = {
archiveTimestamp: Date.parse(data.thread_metadata.archive_timestamp),
archived: data.thread_metadata.archived,
autoArchiveDuration: data.thread_metadata.auto_archive_duration,
locked: data.thread_metadata.locked
if(data.member !== undefined) {
this.member = new ThreadMember(data.member, this.client);
* Add a reaction to a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @arg {String} reaction The reaction (Unicode string if Unicode emoji, `emojiName:emojiID` if custom emoji)
* @returns {Promise}
addMessageReaction(messageID, reaction) {
return this.client.addMessageReaction.call(this.client, this.id, messageID, reaction);
* Create a message in the channel
* @arg {String | Object} content A string or object. If an object is passed:
* @arg {Object} [content.allowedMentions] A list of mentions to allow (overrides default)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.everyone] Whether or not to allow @everyone/@here.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.roles] Whether or not to allow all role mentions, or an array of specific role mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.users] Whether or not to allow all user mentions, or an array of specific user mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.repliedUser] Whether or not to mention the author of the message being replied to.
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components] An array of component objects
* @arg {String} [content.components[].custom_id] The ID of the component (type 2 style 0-4 and type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].disabled] Whether the component is disabled (type 2 and 3 only)
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {String} [content.components[].label] The label to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].max_values] The maximum number of items that can be chosen (1-25, default 1)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].min_values] The minimum number of items that must be chosen (0-25, default 1)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components[].options] The options for this component (type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].options[].default] Whether this option should be the default value selected
* @arg {String} [content.components[].options[].description] The description for this option
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].options[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in this option
* @arg {String} content.components[].options[].label The label for this option
* @arg {Number | String} content.components[].options[].value The value for this option
* @arg {String} [content.components[].placeholder] The placeholder text for the component when no option is selected (type 3 only)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].style] The style of the component (type 2 only) - If 0-4, `custom_id` is required; if 5, `url` is required
* @arg {Number} content.components[].type The type of component - If 1, it is a collection and a `components` array (nested) is required; if 2, it is a button; if 3, it is a select menu
* @arg {String} [content.components[].url] The URL that the component should open for users (type 2 style 5 only)
* @arg {String} [content.content] A content string
* @arg {Object} [content.embed] An embed object. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.embeds] An array of embed objects. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Object} [content.messageReference] The message reference, used when replying to messages
* @arg {String} [content.messageReference.channelID] The channel ID of the referenced message
* @arg {Boolean} [content.messageReference.failIfNotExists=true] Whether to throw an error if the message reference doesn't exist. If false, and the referenced message doesn't exist, the message is created without a referenced message
* @arg {String} [content.messageReference.guildID] The guild ID of the referenced message
* @arg {String} content.messageReference.messageID The message ID of the referenced message. This cannot reference a system message
* @arg {String} [content.messageReferenceID] [DEPRECATED] The ID of the message should be replied to. Use `messageReference` instead
* @arg {Array<String>} [content.stickerIDs] An array of IDs corresponding to stickers to send
* @arg {Boolean} [content.tts] Set the message TTS flag
* @arg {Object | Array<Object>} [file] A file object (or an Array of them)
* @arg {Buffer} file.file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} file.name What to name the file
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
createMessage(content, file) {
return this.client.createMessage.call(this.client, this.id, content, file);
* Delete a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
deleteMessage(messageID, reason) {
return this.client.deleteMessage.call(this.client, this.id, messageID, reason);
* Bulk delete messages (bot accounts only)
* @arg {Array<String>} messageIDs Array of message IDs to delete
* @arg {String} [reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise}
deleteMessages(messageIDs, reason) {
return this.client.deleteMessages.call(this.client, this.id, messageIDs, reason);
* Edit a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @arg {String | Array | Object} content A string, array of strings, or object. If an object is passed:
* @arg {Object} [content.allowedMentions] A list of mentions to allow (overrides default)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.allowedMentions.everyone] Whether or not to allow @everyone/@here.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.roles] Whether or not to allow all role mentions, or an array of specific role mentions to allow.
* @arg {Boolean | Array<String>} [content.allowedMentions.users] Whether or not to allow all user mentions, or an array of specific user mentions to allow.
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components] An array of component objects
* @arg {String} [content.components[].custom_id] The ID of the component (type 2 style 0-4 and type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].disabled] Whether the component is disabled (type 2 and 3 only)
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {String} [content.components[].label] The label to be displayed in the component (type 2)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].max_values] The maximum number of items that can be chosen (1-25, default 1)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].min_values] The minimum number of items that must be chosen (0-25, default 1)
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.components[].options] The options for this component (type 3 only)
* @arg {Boolean} [content.components[].options[].default] Whether this option should be the default value selected
* @arg {String} [content.components[].options[].description] The description for this option
* @arg {Object} [content.components[].options[].emoji] The emoji to be displayed in this option
* @arg {String} content.components[].options[].label The label for this option
* @arg {Number | String} content.components[].options[].value The value for this option
* @arg {String} [content.components[].placeholder] The placeholder text for the component when no option is selected (type 3 only)
* @arg {Number} [content.components[].style] The style of the component (type 2 only) - If 0-4, `custom_id` is required; if 5, `url` is required
* @arg {Number} content.components[].type The type of component - If 1, it is a collection and a `components` array (nested) is required; if 2, it is a button; if 3, it is a select menu
* @arg {String} [content.components[].url] The URL that the component should open for users (type 2 style 5 only)
* @arg {String} [content.content] A content string
* @arg {Object} [content.embed] An embed object. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Array<Object>} [content.embeds] An array of embed objects. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object) for object structure
* @arg {Object | Array<Object>} [content.file] A file object (or an Array of them)
* @arg {Buffer} content.file[].file A buffer containing file data
* @arg {String} content.file[].name What to name the file
* @arg {Number} [content.flags] A number representing the flags to apply to the message. See [the official Discord API documentation entry](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-flags) for flags reference
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
editMessage(messageID, content) {
return this.client.editMessage.call(this.client, this.id, messageID, content);
* Get a list of members that are part of this thread channel
* @returns {Promise<Array<ThreadMember>>}
getMembers() {
return this.client.getThreadMembers.call(this.client, this.id);
* Get a previous message in the channel
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @returns {Promise<Message>}
getMessage(messageID) {
return this.client.getMessage.call(this.client, this.id, messageID);
* Get a list of users who reacted with a specific reaction
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @arg {String} reaction The reaction (Unicode string if Unicode emoji, `emojiName:emojiID` if custom emoji)
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request. If this is a number, it is treated as `options.limit` ([DEPRECATED] behavior)
* @arg {Number} [options.limit=100] The maximum number of users to get
* @arg {String} [options.after] Get users after this user ID
* @arg {String} [before] [DEPRECATED] Get users before this user ID. Discord no longer supports this parameter
* @arg {String} [after] [DEPRECATED] Get users after this user ID
* @returns {Promise<Array<User>>}
getMessageReaction(messageID, reaction, options, before, after) {
return this.client.getMessageReaction.call(this.client, this.id, messageID, reaction, options, before, after);
* Get previous messages in the channel
* @arg {Object} [options] Options for the request. If this is a number ([DEPRECATED] behavior), it is treated as `options.limit`
* @arg {String} [options.after] Get messages after this message ID
* @arg {String} [options.around] Get messages around this message ID (does not work with limit > 100)
* @arg {String} [options.before] Get messages before this message ID
* @arg {Number} [options.limit=50] The max number of messages to get
* @arg {String} [before] [DEPRECATED] Get messages before this message ID
* @arg {String} [after] [DEPRECATED] Get messages after this message ID
* @arg {String} [around] [DEPRECATED] Get messages around this message ID (does not work with limit > 100)
* @returns {Promise<Array<Message>>}
getMessages(options, before, after, around) {
return this.client.getMessages.call(this.client, this.id, options, before, after, around);
* Get all the pins in the channel
* @returns {Promise<Array<Message>>}
getPins() {
return this.client.getPins.call(this.client, this.id);
* Join a thread
* @arg {String} [userID="@me"] The user ID of the user joining
* @returns {Promise}
join(userID) {
return this.client.joinThread.call(this.client, this.id, userID);
* Leave a thread
* @arg {String} [userID="@me"] The user ID of the user leaving
* @returns {Promise}
leave(userID) {
return this.client.leaveThread.call(this.client, this.id, userID);
* Pin a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @returns {Promise}
pinMessage(messageID) {
return this.client.pinMessage.call(this.client, this.id, messageID);
* Purge previous messages in the channel with an optional filter (bot accounts only)
* @arg {Object} options Options for the request. If this is a number
* @arg {String} [options.after] Get messages after this message ID
* @arg {String} [options.before] Get messages before this message ID
* @arg {Function} [options.filter] Optional filter function that returns a boolean when passed a Message object
* @arg {Number} options.limit The max number of messages to search through, -1 for no limit
* @arg {String} [options.reason] The reason to be displayed in audit logs
* @returns {Promise<Number>} Resolves with the number of messages deleted
purge(options) {
return this.client.purgeChannel.call(this.client, this.id, options);
* Remove a reaction from a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @arg {String} reaction The reaction (Unicode string if Unicode emoji, `emojiName:emojiID` if custom emoji)
* @arg {String} [userID="@me"] The ID of the user to remove the reaction for
* @returns {Promise}
removeMessageReaction(messageID, reaction, userID) {
return this.client.removeMessageReaction.call(this.client, this.id, messageID, reaction, userID);
* Remove all reactions from a message for a single emoji
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @arg {String} reaction The reaction (Unicode string if Unicode emoji, `emojiName:emojiID` if custom emoji)
* @returns {Promise}
removeMessageReactionEmoji(messageID, reaction) {
return this.client.removeMessageReactionEmoji.call(this.client, this.id, messageID, reaction);
* Remove all reactions from a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @returns {Promise}
removeMessageReactions(messageID) {
return this.client.removeMessageReactions.call(this.client, this.id, messageID);
* Send typing status in the channel
* @returns {Promise}
sendTyping() {
return this.client.sendChannelTyping.call(this.client, this.id);
* Unpin a message
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @returns {Promise}
unpinMessage(messageID) {
return this.client.unpinMessage.call(this.client, this.id, messageID);
* Un-send a message. You're welcome Programmix
* @arg {String} messageID The ID of the message
* @returns {Promise}
unsendMessage(messageID) {
return this.client.deleteMessage.call(this.client, this.id, messageID);
toJSON(props = []) {
return super.toJSON([
module.exports = ThreadChannel;