Hyprland With Gruvbox
Used Apps
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font You can download from NerdFonts
From wallhaven
Zen Browser Theme
You can use this theme for any Firefox based browser: GruvboxDarkFirefoxTheme
Discord Theme
If you have any modded Discord client, you can use this style with quick CSS editor.
:root {
--background-primary: #282828;
--background-secondary: #32302f;
--background-tertiary: #3c3836;
--background-accent: #504945;
--text-normal: #ebdbb2;
--text-muted: #d5c4a1;
--accent: #b8bb26;
Spotify Theme
Download the Dribbblish theme and put files to ~/.config/spicetify/Themes/ Then run this command:
spicetify config current_theme "Dribbblish" color_scheme "gruvbox-material-dark"
spicetify apply
Btop++ Theme
In the btop options menu, you can choose gruvbox_material_dark theme.